10th Annual ASU Geospatial CareerFest, 2016

March 24, 2016
On March 23rd, students from the UA Master's in GIS Technology Program headed north to attend the 10th Annual Geospatial CareerFest at Arizona State University. This event included a highly informative panel discussion featuring GIS professionals from the Phoenix area, including representatives from Queen Creek, Esri, and the Salt River Project. This event gave students in attendance an excellent opportunity to learn about the types of GIS-oriented positions that are being hired for in Arizona, as well as the skills, interview tips, creativity/adaptability, and attitudes necessary to be successful in the GIS workforce. MS-GIST students were also able to speak to representatives at booths hosted by an array of companies and agencies that employ GIS technology in their operations. A genuine thank you goes out to our colleagues Shea Lemar and Robert Balling at the MAS-GIS Program at Arizona State University for hosting this wonderful event.