Cait Boyer (MSGIST 2021) is now a GIS Data Analyst with the City of Tucson

April 22, 2022
Congratulations to Cait Boyer (MSGIST 2021) who is now a GIS Data Analyst with the City of Tucson. Cait supports the City of Tucson's GIS users and creates data visualizations for all kinds of city departments and programs. These include print maps, to web maps and dashboards that help drive discussions and solve Tucson’s problems. Cait writes, “One of the most exciting things I've been a part of is the development of the Tree Equity Score dashboard for Tucson, which is currently being used to inform decision-makers on where our city's most vulnerable populations are located. This data will help focus Mayor Romero's Tucson Million Trees planting efforts in areas of most need. This was actually work I had done for my master's project, but now as a city employee, I can continue the discussion and analysis that went into the project. I am grateful for all the hard work and dedication shown by the GIST faculty and staff during such a hard time in the world's history. I couldn’t be more appreciative for everything the program did to make sure we were able to learn GIS and succeed during the pandemic!”