Congratulations to the Summer 2019 MS-GIST Graduates

Aug. 12, 2019
UA GIST wants to congratulate all of the Summer 2019 MS-GIST graduates: Ali Baqi - Develop an Open Source GIS Application to Perform Airport Disaster Analysis and Simulation Using QGIS 2.18 Python ScriptingPatricia Schwartz - Analysis of the Ecological Effects of Proposed Barrier Construction on the US/Mexico BorderHolli Crowley - Preferred Bee Colony Locations in Fort Collins, ColoradoMax Strain - Locating Possible Food Deserts in Beaverton and Hillsboro, OregonBilly Zsambok - Using Multispectral Imagery to Find Historic Artifacts and Associated Geophysical CorrelationsBassel Takidin - Association Between Population Density and Traffic/Pollution Events in Los Angeles County, CaliforniaBrooke Stathis - Vehicle Miles traveled and Population Analysis of City of Spark, NV RoadwaysMarisa Noble - Migration Patterns of Aphid Pests in the Southwest United StatesJohn Ehlen - Emergency Medical Response Times in Coconino County ArizonaHeidi Petersen - Applications for Citizen Scientists: Enable Effective and Enthusiastic Civil Science Participation with TechnologyNicholas O’Gara - A Spatial Analysis of the Locations of Title Loan Lenders in TucsonRyan Gillespie - Canopy Structure and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher: A LiDAR-derived Habitat Suitability ModelEric Harrison - Understanding Bicycle Safety in Tucson Arizona: Perception and Reality To view their abstracts please click here.(For Gillespie click here and for Harrison click here).