The Countdown has Begun!
Dec. 22, 2014
Masters of Science in GIS Technology, Class of 2015
You're in! Now what?
Before the winter holidays you should receive our MSGIST Welcome Packet via snail mail. Inside you will find some program goodies, information about some of our partners, class schedule and orientation information. Additionally, the information below provides important dates and links that will help you until we see you in January.
• Ungraded assessments. Additional information is included in your orientation packet. Assessments will be distributed early January 2015.
• First day of classes: January 14, 2015
• Course registration is underway! If you have not registered already please contact the Outreach College at your earliest convenience (click on the 'How to Register" link below). Keep in mind that if you are an international student, you cannot register for classes until after you have attended the International Orientation Tuesday-Friday, January 6-8, 2015
• GIST Opening Reception, January 14, 2015 at 6pm will be held at the Dan Dunlap Stadium Club in the University of Arizona football stadium.
The link below provides more detailed information related to the important dates, registration, and payment. Please keep in mind that your success in the program depends on your hard work and dedication. I trust that you will do everything possible to meet all of the program requirements and I assure you that the program staff will do all they can to assist you in meeting your goals. I wish you all the best in the coming months.
Again, congratulations and don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions before January.
- Chris Lukinbeal