The GaMe is on: Local Company Has Hired two MS-GIST Students and one SGD Undergraduate

Aug. 25, 2012
  GeoGRAX & Moonlite Enterprises, or GaMe for short, provide leading edge services and software for the mining community.  The company combines the resources of GeoGRAX GIS Services and Moonlite Systems with their first commercial software project aimed at making cloud based web mapping easy to create and administer.  Founded in 1991, GeoGRAFX GIS Services is one of the leading providers of computer-based data integration, management and presentation services to the mining sector.  Moonlite Systems, was founded by George Moon in 2007 to share his extensive experience spanning start-up companies to leading large international teams. He has served in various executive positions at Wild, Prime Computer, Unisys, MapInfo and his own successful businesses.  GaMe will provide employment opportunities including interns from the University of Arizona MS-GIST program. “I am looking forward to help build the careers of students of the MS-GIST program and give them a chance to work with some of the brightest software architects in the industry. Both Barbara and I believe this is a great way to give back to the community.” commented George Moon, president of Moonlite Systems.  In the last year we have hired Marion Constante, Nathan Casler from the MSGIST program and Laura Tellechea Cerna from the SGD undergrad Geography program.  Check us out online at