GIS Analysis as a Decision Tool for Sustainable Development: The Mexican Challenge

April 4, 2013
Special Guest Lecture GIS Analysis as a Decision Tool for Sustainable Development: The Mexican Challenge Who: Valentino Sorani, Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Conservación, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México Where: The University of Arizona, Marshall Building 531 (2nd Street and Park) When:  May 6, 2013, 3-5pm Abstract: In Mexico, where the need for rapid development places high pressure on natural resources, environmental decisions must be made quickly, as objectively as possible, and with limited funds. GIS is a logical tool to achieve these goals and there has been a large effort over the last two decades to prepare agencies to manage data, make decisions, and find efficiencies in the process. This lecture will review how GIS has been developed as a tool for environmental decision making in Mexico. It will discuss Mexico’s environmental challenges in the development of key infrastructure in sustainable, responsible, and ecologically sound ways, and will describe how GIS has been used in these efforts. The lecture will conclude with a vision for the future uses of technology in Mexico and the possibilities for collaboration with academic and private institutions in the United States.   Parking: Main Gate Garage (Euclid and 2nd Street) Park Avenue Garage (Speedway and Park, behind 7/11 northeast side) For a campus map, visit:   Sponsored by the Arizona Chapter of the Geospatial Information & Technology Association, The UA Masters of Science in Geographic Information Systems Technology Program The UA College of Architecture, Planning, Landscape Architecture with supporting contributions from Christopher Dore, GIS Services, and TerraSystems Southwest.