MS-GIST 2015 Alex Smith's Cartography Featured in Mount Lemmon App

The University of Arizona's College of Science has created a Mount Lemmon Audio Tour Application that is meant to enrich the learning experience for drivers as they travel up Catalina Highway. The App discusses the different lifezones present in the Santa Catalina Mountain range, starting at the valley floor with the Sonoran Desert, all the way up to the highest heights of Mount Lemmon in boreal forest life zones.

The cartography in this project, though only attributed to "a GIS map designer", was crafted by none other than 2015 MS-GIST student Alex Smith. This project would not have been able to come together without the work he put in on this project, and we are very proud of him for his crucial contribution to this endeavor.

To download the App, learn more about the project, and preview some of Alex's excellent raster cartography, you can check out the following link for the main story (front page of the University of Arizona's web site!):

Excellent Work, Alex!!!