MS-GIST Alumni Receives GIS Award

Dec. 12, 2013
MS-GIST 2011 Alumni Marion Constante, who works as a GIS Specialist for the Cultural Resource Management and Protection Branch of the Fairfax, VA, County Park Authority, recently received an award for her GIS work.  Fairfax County recently hosted a GIS Day, and Marion won 3rd place for Best Cartographic Product/ Presentation for her work "A virtual representation of the 18th century port town of Colchester, Virginia".   Marion's work is part of an ongoing 3D GIS project for the Colchester Archeological Research Team.  Marion's work will be presented to the Park Authority directors, and she has also been invited to present at the 1st Annual GIS Symposium at Mount Vernon on January 14, 2014.  This work will eventually be made into a virtual web tool for interactive archeology and a historic museum for the Old Colchester Park and Preserve. Learn more in an article about the award here.  And check out a version of the map product below. Congrats, Marion!