MS-GIST In-Person Master's Presentations: 12/14-12/17

Dec. 10, 2015
It is our pleasure to announce that students from the in-person Master of Science in Geographic Information Systems Technology Program (MS-GIST) will be presenting their Master’s Projects on December 14, 15, 16, and 17, 2015 in the ENR2 Building, in the Agnese Haury Lecture Hall (Room S107 on the first floor, in the southwest corner of building). All are welcome to attend, and presentations will begin at 6:00pm each evening, and will continue until after 8:00pm. For more information about the in-person 2015 MS-GIST presentations, please view the website below, which provides links to student project abstracts, a presentation schedule, and Resume Book of selected MS-GIST students: ​Topics covered by students showcase the range of applications that can benefit from GIS analysis, including water rights analysis, suitability modeling for wind energy development, citizen science in GIS, optimization of waste collection routes, brushfire spread modeling, pavement condition perceptions using mental mapping, and soil erosion modeling in burned forest environments, among many others. For a full listing of student project abstracts, check out the above website. ​Put these dates on your calendar, ​and we will see you there! Please relay any questions you may have to John Danloe at