MS-GIST Welcomes a New Teaching Assistant
Aug. 21, 2012
The MS-GIST Program is please to welcome our new teaching assistant, Melanie Meyers Colavito.
I am a PhD Candidate in Geography with minor in Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis, and my advisor is Gary Christopherson. I first discovered GIS as an undergraduate in Geography here at the University of Arizona. Since then, it has become a fundamental part of my research and teaching experiences as a graduate student. My Master's research project included the development of a GIS for Summerhaven, AZ. As a PhD student, I have spent the last two and a half years building GIS models for siting renewable energy facilites as part of my work as a research assistant with AZ Cooperative Extension. My dissertation research is focused on the intermix between fire science and fire policy, and seeks to find the most efficient methods for cooperation at that intermix in order to restore forest health. I have also had the opportunity to work as a teaching assistant in numerous GIS and remote sensing classes at the UA, and I'm looking forward to working with the GIST program. I hope to graduate in May 2014. I used to race bikes at the professional level, as well. I'm always happy to talk about bikes, GIS, and fire!