Pankaj Jamwal Hired by Arizona Game and Fish Department (MS-GIST 2014 Alumnus)

Jan. 8, 2015
We are pleased to announce that recent 2014 MS-GIST graduate Pankaj Jamwal has accepted a position with Arizona Game and Fish Department as Wildlife Specialist II, HDMS Systems Manager. In this position, Pankaj will be responsible for maintaining the Heritage Data Management System (HDMS) and support software applications to facilitate its operation in the tracking of special status wildlife species. This position also maintains the Point Observation Database and integration of Citizen Science and Scientific Collecting Permit data. Given Pankaj's skills and closely related Master's Project subject-matter, we believe he will do an excellent job with AZGF working in a field he is genuinely interested in and dedicated to. Congratulations, Pankaj!