Tucson Esri GeoDev Meetup Thursday, November 13

Nov. 10, 2014
Join us at the Arizona Inn for "a social gathering for developers to discuss the latest in mapping, geo technology, geo services, web and mobile mapping apps, app design, cloud solutions, map data or anything else related to solving real-world "geo" problems." Faculty and students from the University of Arizona School of Geography and Development will be at the Tucson Esri GeoDev meetup, on Thursday evening, November 13. You do not have to be a geo-expert to attend. Come on by if you want to learn about geo technologies, meet the pros, or find out more about one of the many GIS technology degree and certificate programs available at the UA. To RSVP, go to: http://www.meetup.com/DevMeetUpArizona/events/214545272/?_af_eid=214545…