UA’s MSGIST Program Top in the US in Degrees Conferred!

Oct. 12, 2021
University of Arizona’s Master’s in Geographic Information Systems and Technology (MS-GIST) program is in the top two in total degrees conferred over the last decade. According to the US Department of Education’s National Center for Statistics, UA’s MS-GIST in-person and online program issued 48 degrees in 2020, making it among only three universities to issue over 200 degrees from 2010-2020. This beats out dozens of universities offering GIS master’s degrees and continues to establish the School of Geography, Development, and Environment as a premier GIS program in the world. UA’s MS-GIST program is an accelerated 18 month, 30 credit-hour program composed of in-person and online students looking to enter the geospatial industry. Started in 2010 by Dr. Chris Lukinbeal, the program has seen continual growth and development, now with a total of 18 affiliated faculty and staff. Program data suggests that UA is on track to be both the largest and most successful MS-GIST program in the world, as determined by degrees conferred and alumni job placement. Currently, UA’s MS-GIST in-person program has a 92% placement record in the business, government, environmental, and non-profit industries. The program is also among world leaders in placement at ESRI, the global market leader in GIS technology. This success comes from individual student support, top-level faculty, internships, and courses in cutting-edge areas like Web GIS, programming and Open-Source GIS. All these factors contribute to student success in the rapidly growing industry, which is projected to see a 29% growth in jobs from 2014 to 2024, as specified by the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.