MSGIST student Patrick Rhodes starting PhD at ASU in fall 2022

April 15, 2022
Congratulations to MSGIST student Patrick Rhodes, who will be joining ASU’s School of Geographical Sciences & Urban Planning this coming fall 2022. Patrick will be working with Dr. Amy Frazier, whose research focuses on the integration of remote sensing, GIS, and landscape ecology to study global environmental change. At ASU, Patrick is planning to examine the impact of riparian habitat on human populations, utilizing GIS, remote sensing and field work. He also plans to research the efficacy of ecological communication (focusing on riparian habitat) including geovisualization and scientific rhetoric. Patrick has been teaching at ASU for the past 5 years in in CISA (College of Integrative Sciences and Arts). In this position, he has taught mostly data visualization and visual communication. Upon completion of the PhD program, Patrick’s plan is to teach within a geography department in a position where he can also perform research. Patrick expects to graduate from the MSGIST program in May 2022.