Live Online! GeoDev HackerLab October 18th
Oct. 17, 2018
ESRI and the University of Arizona’s GIST programs will be hosting a GeoDev HackerLab this coming October 18th
Thursday, October 18, 201812:30 PM to 4:30 PM (AZ Time)
This is a four-hour, hands-on, strategically guided lab for developers that will cover how to build map apps with ArcGIS Online, APIs and Services, Open Source, and also with AppStudio for ArcGIS (for native apps). If you're lucky, you may even get to test-drive AppStudio to build native apps with QML. The tutorials are led by ESRI’s David Martinez and you will be given time to play in between the tutorials. For more information click here.
The lab will be both recorded and streamed live. You will be able to access the lab online on this link:… note the link will not connect to the stream session until a few minutes before 12:30 PM