The GIST Programs Welcomes Dr. Fernando Sanchez-Trigueros to its Fold

Dr. Fernando Sanchez-Trigueros has joined us as a Professor or Practice focused on teaching and advising in the MS-GIST online program. Dr. Fernando Sanchez-Trigueros is a broadly trained scientist with research experience in both STEM and the social sciences. His professional career centers around data analytics and has evolved in the context of three major fields: palaeoecology, anthropology, and environmental management, with technical expertise in geospatial analysis and technologies, and practical scholarship in rural recovery and revitalization. After graduating in history (minors in geography and anthropology) he completed graduate degrees in Quaternary sciences, applied statistics, Geographic Information Science, and operations research, and was awarded an international doctorate in interdisciplinary studies with a dissertation that focused on geospatial analysis, software development and land-use modeling in a human palaeoecological context. Throughout his scientific career Fernando has served interdisciplinary teams of Europe, North America and Asia with holistic perspectives on the interrelations between the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the information sciences, which has enabled him to incorporate systems thinking into his scientific and teaching work. This approach to science, coupled with first-hand exposure to cross-cultural classrooms, has eventually influenced Fernando’s teaching style. In addition to knowledge transfer, he seeks to encourage critical thinking and inspire new perspectives in the students. His lectures are founded on principles of erudition and scientific reasoning, and on his commitment to create a comfortable learning environment, seeking to stimulate the student's interest in the lectures and their engagement in the discussion of the disciplines that comprise Geography and the Spatial Sciences. Welcome Fernando!