Second Annual Tucson GeoDev HackerLab
March 16, 2017
The GIST programs of the University of Arizona and ESRI are hosting the second annual Tucson GeoDev HackerLab.
• Thursday, April 13, 2017
12:30 PM to 4:30 PM
• University of Arizona
Haury Lecture Hall - S107, Tucson, AZ
This is a four-hour, hands-on, strategically guided lab for developers that will cover how to build map apps with ArcGIS Online, APIs and Services, Open Source, and also with AppStudio for ArcGIS (for native apps). If you're lucky, you may even get to test-drive AppStudio to build native apps with QML. The tutorials are led by David Martinez and John Gravois, who are really smart dudes, and you will be given time to play in between the tutorials. We will have some snacks for you to munch on!
This is a BYOM, BYOI, BYOA, and BYOD event: bring your own machine (seriously, we don't have any extras), ideas, apps and data. Yeah.
Oh and here is a list of the required materials:1. Computer2. Text editor (nice to have, but not a requirement: Git and GitHub)3. ArcGIS for Developers or ArcGIS Organization accountHackerLab Agenda:12:30PM - 4:30PM - HackerLab (We get started promptly at 12:30PM)
RSVP Here:…;