2012 MS-GIST Graduate Cesar Duran Hired by ASRC Federal

July 5, 2016
Good news coming out of the 2012 Master's in GIS Program cohort at the University of Arizona, as alumnus Cesar Duran has been hired by ASRC Federal. Cesar will be working for ASRC Federal as a GIS Applications Developer in Washington, D.C., and will be part of a team tasked with developing a centralized, web-based GIS infrastructure. This infrastructure will support specialized applications for many different groups within the Foreign Agricultureal Service in the USDA. Cesar is an excellent fit for this position, and we are certain that his skills will be instrumental in the process of creating an                                                                               effective web-based infrastructure for many projects to come.                  Congratulations, Cesar, and we wish you the best of luck in this great new position!