Master's in GIS Students Earn Esri Honors

April 25, 2016
We take extreme pride in announcing that four students from the Master’s in GIS (MS-GIST) Program at the University of Arizona have been selected for Student Assistantships at the 2016 Esri Users Conference in San Diego. The MS-GIST students that earned selection for this prestigious opportunity are: Andrea Goodbar, Greg Rothwell, Chloe Jackson, and Jonathan Mather. This is a highly competitive opportunity: hundreds of students apply, but only a fraction of applicants are selected. Being chosen for this award places these students among the elite of those who applied. But the selection of these four students from the Master’s in GIS Program deserves additional, extra special context: out of the 320 applicants for Esri UC Student Assistantships, 4 of those students were selected from our program. Still not amazed? Let us put it a little differently: The MS-GIST Program had more students selected for the Esri Student Assistantship than any other individual program in the world. That is saying something! Huge congratulations to the Andrea, Greg, Chloe, and Jonathan! We are very proud of your achievement! These four can expect to learn a great deal about GIS technology and applications, grow their networks with others who are just as interested in GIS, and make some friends along the way. This is a great honor, and we know that they will represent the University of Arizona well, and will make the very most of the Esri User’s Conference!          Andrea Goodbar                                      Greg Rothwell                                                           Chloe Jackson                                                      Jonathan Mather