Greg Christakos, Master's in GIS Alumnus, Accepts Position at Esri

March 7, 2016

It is our pleasure to announce that Master's in GIS 2015 alumnus Greg Christakos has accepted a position with GIS technology-leader Esri as a Server Team Support Analyst. Greg will be based in Charlotte, North Carolina, and will be charged with supporting east coast GIS users with any technical issues that they encounter while utilizing ArcGIS for server, Portal, and Esri-based apps such as ArcCollector. Given Greg's great attitude, motivation, and knowledge gained while in the Master's in GIS program here at the University of Arizona, we are confident that he will do a great job working with Esri, just like 13 other MS-GIST graduates from the U of A have done! Way to go, Greg! Do great things!