Six MS-GIST Students Awarded AGIC Tony Gonzales Scholarships
Sept. 11, 2015
The MS-GIST Program is pleased to announce that six students in the program have been named recipients of the esteemed Tony Gonzales Scholarship for attendance at the Arizona Geospatial Information Council (AGIC) Conference, September 23-25 at the Prescott Resort and Conference Center.
Until his death in April of 2001, Tony Gonzales was the GIS Manager for the Arizona Department of Transportation. He was a valued member of the Arizona GIS community and committed to the advancement of GIS and GIS education throughout the State. In memory of Tony, scholarships are awarded each year at the statewide AGIC conference to Arizona GIS students whose work best promotes GIS or GIS education in Arizona.
This scholarship allows the awardees to attend the conference with all registration, lodging, and food expenses paid. It is an honor to receive this scholarship, and we know that the recipients from our program will represent the award with vigor and class. The following MS-GIST students were selected as recipients from the overall pool of applicants (picture, back row left to right, then front row left to right): Amy Read, Naveed Ahmed, Imtiaz Syed, Kara Clauser, Juan Canez, and Greg Christakos.
We extend a genuine congratulations to these students, and know that they will make the most of the upcoming AGIC Conference, furthering their GIS knowledge and industry connections. It's wonderful to continue to see MS-GIST students dominate the selection of this scholarship. Well done!