
GIST 570: Geodatabase

This course introduces fundamentals of database design, development, and analysis for Geographic Information Systems. Emphasis is on geospatial data and suitable database designs, and on database administration for GIS Enterprise. Topics include requirements engineering for geo-databases, database design using the Entity-Relationship model, object-relational database implementation, database normalization, database optimization, data handling, security risk management, and IT auditing. Database technologies will be demonstrated with two Spatial Database Management Systems: PostgreSQL/PostGIS and ArcGIS Server/Enterprise. Database programming will make use of Python, SQL, and Procedural SQL in PostGIS. A business case is developed as part of coursework, to train the student in the database lifecycle that supports organizational operations, planning, and data management in GIS. 

GIST 513: Programming

Introduction to the fundamentals of programming for Geographic Information Systems using Python. Students will be taught elements, methods and theories of scripting in Python including how to write and manipulate functions, loops, strings, lists, dictionaries, and classes with an emphasis on how to apply these tools to writing scripts in the ArcGIS environment. The only way to learn programming is by doing, and therefore this course is based on weekly coding assignments, supplemented by traditional readings and lecture materials that will build students’ conceptual understanding of their bourgeoning skills. Assessment will be based on weekly assignments, two midterm exams, and one in class presentation.


GIST 909: Master's Project in Geographic Information Systems Technology

The Master’s Project includes a formal report and presentation submitted in lieu of a Master’s Thesis and reflects what a student has learned from the MS-GIST program. This course focuses on addressing normative and/or scientific geographic problems, data capture, compilation and manipulation, and formulating methods and analysis to address the problem in a given timeline. 

MS students take 6 units of GIST 909

P-GIST students can take 909 only with advanced approval from a GIST advisor


GIST 604B: Open Source GIS

This course provides students a brief introduction about Open Source software for both desktop and internet GIS applications. Main objective of the course is to expose students to alternative open source tools for practicing GIS besides licensed and conventional GIS software. Students will go through hands on learning about applications hosting, data development, processing, and sharing using open source tools and technologies such as GITHub , Quantum GIS (QGIS), Python, GeoServer and PostGIS. Students will apply technology in lab assignments using real-world data.

GIST 604A: Cartography

A GIST-based problem solving approach within the context of a student-directed project. Specific GIS skills covered include project planning, spatial data sources and acquisition, data compilation, coding, analysis, representation, and presentation of results. The course can be repeated for credit, as the topics will vary; each course will examine a different urban or environmental issue in the natural and social sciences using geographic information systems technology. 

GIST 602B: Vector Spatial Analysis

This course focuses on providing students with an introduction vector based spatial analysis and their application in GIS software.  Students will learn about how to analyze distribution, direction, orientation, clustering, spatial relationships and processes, and how to render analytic outcomes into cartographic form. This course provides foundational knowledge of global positioning systems, data collection, geodatabase development, and georeferencing.

GIST 602A: Raster Spatial Analysis

This course examines the principles and practices associated with raster data development and analysis, particularly the development of real world surfaces and statistical analysis based on these surfaces.  The course is presented in a lecture/laboratory format.  The lecture portion will deal with conceptual issues necessary for the use of raster approaches within a GIS framework.  The laboratory portion will provide practical experience with rasters in an ArcGIS environment.

GIST 501B: Remote Sensing Science

This course provides an introduction to the scientific principles and practices of remote sensing.  Topics that will be covered in this course include issues of spatial resolutions, the electromagnetic spectrum, remotely sensed sensors, spectral characteristics, digital and digitalization issues, multispectral and LiDAR image processing and enhancement, and land-use and land-cover classifications (LULC) and change detection. The course also emphasizes integration issues and analysis techniques that arise when merging remotely sensed data with geographic information systems (GIS).


GIST 501A: Geographic Information Science

This course will introduce the fundamental concepts of geographic information systems technology (GIST).  It will emphasize equally GISystems and GIScience.  Geographic information systems are a powerful set of tools for storing, retrieving, transforming and displaying spatial data from the real world for a particular set of purposes.  In contrast, geographic information science is concerned with both the research on GIS and with GIS.  As Longley et al. (2001, vii) note, “GIS is fundamentally an applications-led technology, yet science underpins successful applications.”  This course will combine an overview of the general principles of GIScience and how this relates to the nature and analytical use of spatial information within GIS software and technology.  Students will apply the principles and science of GIST through a series of practical labs using ESRI’s ArcGIS software.

GIST 470: Geo-Database

This course introduces fundamentals of database design, development, and analysis for Geographic Information Systems. Emphasis is on geospatial data and suitable database designs, and on database administration for GIS Enterprise. Topics include requirements engineering for geo-databases, database design using the Entity-Relationship model, object-relational database implementation, database normalization, database optimization, data handling, security risk management, and IT auditing. Database technologies will be demonstrated with two Spatial Database Management Systems: PostgreSQL/PostGIS and ArcGIS Server/Enterprise. Database programming will make use of Python, SQL, and Procedural SQL in PostGIS. A business case is developed as part of coursework, to train the student in the database lifecycle that supports organizational operations, planning, and data management in GIS. (Prerequisites: GIST 417)